Herman Dune is a French duo, formed in 1999. Originally a trio, the band now consists of David-Ivar Herman Dune, and N�man Herman Dune. N�man, who is from Switzerland, replaced former drummer Om� in early 2001. On 13 December 2006, Andr� Herman Dune played his last show with the band, and subsequently changed his name to Stanley Brinks. With Andre's departure, the umlaut was dropped from the name. The band is often joined by other musicians on live performances.
Some of Herman Dune's influences include: Leiber & Stoller, Chuck Berry, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan and Carole King.
Herman Dune have worked with several other bands and singers such as Turner Cody, Julie Doiron, Leah Hayes, Laura Hoch and the Wave Pictures.
The band is often mistaken as being Swedish, probably because Andr� and David have a Swedish mother. In an interview in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet N�man says "The band is French." David continues: "Yes, the confusion about our origin is because people are good at making things up. And we have never fought the rumours. I lived in USA for a while, and all of a sudden the band was American."
Last Changes
New Address: Available to members only
Address replaced: Available to members only
Address Removed: Available to members only