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Philip Mayne
World War One Veteran
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Philip Mayne is thought to have been the last surviving British officer of the First World War. He is also thought to have been the oldest surviving member of Christ's Hospital, of the University of Cambridge Engineering Department, of King's College, Cambridge and indeed of the whole University of Cambridge. Mayne was born in Hampstead. His father was a caterer. He won a scholarship to Christ's Hospital and then to King's College, Cambridge, but the Great War intervened. Mayne became a cadet in the Royal Engineers and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in September 1918. Attending a training camp in Wales, he caught the Spanish flu, and was not fit to be sent to the front before the war ended. Mayne was demobilised on 24 December 1918, and attended Cambridge University from January 1919, having missed only the first term of his first year. He studied mathematics and then mechanical, electrical and civil engineering. Mayne graduated in 1921 and joined the electrical department of the National Physical Laboratory. He moved to Imperial Chemical Industries in Billingham in 1924. Mayne worked in a reserved occupation in the Second World War, making chemicals for explosives. 
November 22nd, 1899 in London  /  Died:   Apr 9th, 2007 - t the age of 106, natural causes
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This celebrity has passed away
Date: Apr 9th, 2007 - t the age of 106, natural causes
This page has been left online for reference purposes only.
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