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Gail Palmer
Adult Film Star/Adult Filmmaker
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General Information
Gail Palmer was active as a writer, producer and director of pornographic movies in the U.S. during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Among her well-known movies are Hot Summer in the City starring Lisa Baker as a white girl who is abducted and abused by a group of black men, and the comedies The Erotic Adventures of Candy starring John Holmes and Carol Connors and Candy Goes to Hollywood starring Carol Connors and later punk singer Wendy O. Williams. After a visit to Hunter S. Thompson's home in 1990 she accused the writer of sexual assault; the charges were later dropped. She was featured in Playboy September 1977 as a Michigan State girl, mentioned in Playboy February 1979 in "The Year in Sex", and in an article in Swank in June 1980. Also in the late 70s she had a rock band called Foreplay. Her autobiography, Candy goes to Hollywood: the Gail Palmer story, appeared in 1994. In the 2007 book The Book of Vice, author Peter Sagal states that he was hired as a ghost writer for Gail Palmer, researched and interviewed her, and found that she did not actually direct the movies attributed to her but was a front for her boyfriend. He did ghost-write her book but it was never published. [More at Wikipedia]
April 4th, 1955 in St. Clair, Michigan (Age 69)
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