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Tracy Hyde
Child actress; Melody (1971)
  • General Info
General Information
Tracy Constance Margaret Hyde is a former British actress and model who shot to fame in the 1971 film Melody after being discovered by film producer, David Puttnam. Hyde was born in Fulham, London, England. She learned ballet at the age of four, did junior modelling for an agency and auditioned for a pickle advertisement. Writer/director Andrew Birkin saw photographs of the young Tracy and persuaded her mother Maureen to audition her for the title role of Melody Perkins. Birkin also recommended Tracy to director Waris Hussein, writer Alan Parker and producer David Puttnam. After screen tests and auditions, Tracy finally won the role. After Melody, Tracy appeared in a few TV appearances in the UK Trial, ITV Playhouse: The Greeks And Their Gifts and Love Story: Home For The Holidays. The success of Melody in Japan resulted in Tracy being invited there in 1972 and plans were made for a film with her in the lead role. Budget restrictions prevented the film from being made. Tracy continued with her education and studied at a secretarial college; after leaving she was employed as a legal secretary for a law firm. 
Other Names
  • Tracy Ayoul
May 16th, 1959 in Fulham (Age 65)
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