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David Frye
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David Frye was an American comedian, specializing in comic imitations of famous political figures, most of whom were based on notable Americans, including former U.S. Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon, Vice Presidents Spiro Agnew and Nelson Rockefeller, Senators Hubert Humphrey and Bobby Kennedy, as well as film celebrities, e.g., George C. Scott, Henry Fonda, Robert Mitchum, Jack Nicholson and Jack Palance, and media figures, e.g., William F. Buckley Jr. and Larry King. However, as eerily accurate and subtle as his impersonations were, the comedic narratives spoken by those depicted by Frye were outrageously � propos as well as politically savvy and temporal. For example, in one narrative, Frye had newly elected Nixon and his wife visit the White House just prior to assuming residency there in 1969. The incumbent Johnson answers the doorbell, oblivious as to the identity of his unannounced visitors, misidentifying them even after introductions have been made: [Doorbell rings] Johnson: "I'll get it, Lady Bird! Who's there?" Nixon: "It's Dick and Pat." Johnson : "It's Pick 'n Pat!" Nixon: "No, it's Dick and Pat: The President Elect ... and Mrs. Elect." [More at Wikipedia]
November 21st, 1933 in   /  Died:   Jan 24th, 2011 - aged 77
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This celebrity has passed away
Date: Jan 24th, 2011 - aged 77
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