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Odvar Nordli
Prime Minister of Norway 1976–1981
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Odvar Nordli is a Norwegian politician from the Labour Party. He was Prime Minister of Norway from 1976 to 1981. Nordli grew up in Tangen in Stange, Hedmark. After World War II he served in the Independent Norwegian Brigade Group in Germany, part of the Allied forces occupying post-war Germany. By education he became a certified accountant before entering politics, and worked in this field until 1961. He served as deputy mayor of Stange municipality from 1951 to 1963. He was elected to the Norwegian Parliament from Hedmark in 1961, and was re-elected on five occasions. He had previously served in the position of deputy representative during the terms 1954?1957 and 1958?1961. Nordli became a cabinet member in 1971, serving as Minister of Local Government in the first cabinet Bratteli. Nordli became Prime Minister in 1976, heading the cabinet Nordli which succeeded the second cabinet Bratteli. Nordli had to govern through several tough cases like the so-called double-resolution over NATO and the national controversy over the damming of the Alta-Kautokeino river. 
November 3rd, 1927 in Stange  /  Died:   Jan 9th, 2018
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Date: Jan 9th, 2018
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