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Melanie Moon
News anchor at WB 11 TV, St. Louis
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A True "News junkie," News 11 Anchor ' ' ' Melanie Moon' ' ' can't imagine doing anything else but report and anchor news for KPLR-TV, This award-winning journalist joined the team in 2000, as a reporter and has contributed as weeknight anchor and weekend anchor, The position she currently holds. She has been recognized four times by the Associated Press for her investigative reporting. She is proud of her series of reports of child abductions. Born and raised in St. Petersburg, FL, Melanie got her start in the business while still in college, anchoring a news segment on a christian television station in Tampa, FL, alongside her identical twin sister Melissa, Who reports for WREG in Memphis, TN, Since then, she has reported and anchored the news at KHBS-TV in Fayetteville, Arkansas and She worked at WDBJ-TV in Roanoke, VA, She studied Mass Communications and journalism at the University of South Florida and later transferred to Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, Where she graduated cum laude, She also spent a semester working for CNN in Washington, D.C. In addition to her journalistic skills, Melanie is a classically trained pianist and harpist and vocalist, Faith House and Dream House are the non-profit organizations closet to her heart. In June 2002, She was featured on the cover of St. Louis Magazine. You can watch Melanie Moon on News 11 Weeknights at 7 pm. 
St. Petersburg
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