Count Gore De Vol is a television horror host who originally appeared on Washington, DC's WDCA from 1973 to 1987. Originally named M. T. Graves and played by announcer Dick Dyszel, the character first appeared on the WDCA version of the Bozo the Clown program. When the character got a positive reaction, he was given his own program called Creature Feature. The choice of Gore De Vol as the character's name was either a pun involving the name of acerbic author Gore Vidal or the name of a prominent Washington D.C. funeral home, "De Vol." Gore De Vol became the Washington/Baltimore area's longest running horror host, broadcast every Saturday night on WDCA from March 1973 to May 1987. He returned to the DC airwaves for a one-time special, Countdown with the Count, on New Year's Eve 1999/2000.
Count Gore De Vol's contribution to the American horror host tradition is significant in a number of ways. As Washington D.C.'s horror host throughout most of the 1970s and 1980s, Gore used the platform to satirize national politics from a local perspective. [More at Wikipedia]
Other Names
- Captain 20
- Count Gore De Vol
- Bozo the Clown
Last Changes
New Scanned Autograph (In-P/Authentic (In-Person))
New Response (OLD!) (Success): Met one of my childhood heroes at Awesome Con. He ..
New Response (Success): Purchased 8x10 photo from website 20.00