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Joseph M. Giarratano
Notable Red Onion State Prison inmate
  • General Info
General Information
Joseph M. Giarratano is a prisoner serving six consecutive life sentences in Red Onion State Prison. Convicted of murdering his girlfriend and raping and strangling her 15 year old daughter in 1979, he was sentenced to death. However, the investigation of his case revealed evidence that contradicted his guilt. Stab wounds were inflicted by a right handed person, a hair sample which was found on the rape victim did not match Giarratano's, bloody shoe prints found near the scene of the crime did not match Giarratano's, and the official autopsy report was altered after statements given by Giarratano. All attempts to appeal this case and showcase the evidence were rejected for non-compliance with procedural rules. While an inmate on Virginia's death row, he helped file habeas corpus petitions for himself and several other prisoners. He was involved in a Murray vs. Giarratano, 492 U.S. 1, which reached the United States Supreme Court. In Murray v. Giarratano, the United States Supreme Court upheld that there is no Constitutional right to appointed counsel in state habeas proceedings, and that the rule applies equally to capital cases. 
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