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Tim Sweeney (3)
CEO of Epic Games
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Tim Sweeney, born in 1970, is an American computer game programmer and the founder of Epic Games, being best known for his work on ZZT and the Unreal Engine. Sweeney established Epic as a shareware company while he was a student majoring in mechanical engineering at the University of Maryland. Sweeney said that he had been interested in game development and computer programming since he was 10 years old. Sweeney finally started making games out of his parents' basement where he lived. Epic got its start when Sweeney created ZZT, the company's first game. As Sweeney said in interviews, ZZT's success fueled the early growth of his company. The game was released as a shareware in 1991. Sweeney worked on Epic's Unreal Engine, the game engine used for the Unreal series of first-person shooters and multiple other video games. In 2005, Sweeney attended Wake Tech Community College Digital Game Xpo as a guest speaker. He showed a demo demonstrating the Unreal Engine and talked about 3D Buzz's book "Mastering Unreal Technology: The Art of Level Design". 
Potomac (Age 55)
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