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Dreuxilla Divine
Puerto Rican transvestite comedian, actor, show host
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General Information
Dreuxilla Divine is a Puerto Rican drag queen character on television. Divine has gained major popularity as a drag performer both in Puerto Rico and eastern United States cities such as New York and Miami. She is also a comedian, a pageant host and a fashion critic. Divine has been featured in various television related articles and covers of several show-biz magazines, such as: Vea, Teve Gu�a, Colony Magazine, and recently in a centerfold of daily newspaper Primera Hora. Until recently, Dreuxilla was the host of a daily television variety show, opposite Puerto Rican journalist Milly Cangiano, titled: "Sacando Chispas", created by Puerto Rican television producer Luisito Vigoreaux and broadcast by Televicentro in Puerto Rico and cable network WAPA America located in Springfield, Massachusetts throughout the United States. It was broadcast live in the afternoon, and repeated on tape, late night. It has been acknowledged by television audiences nationwide and internationally. As of December 31, 2008, Dreuxilla was unemployed. However, Divine is known to often make appearances in TV shows and interviews, as well as being the occasional host of parties, awards, and the like. 
January 12th, 1974 in Río Piedras (Age 51)
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