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Richard Colella
Olympians swimming
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General Information
Richard Phillip Colella, Jr. is an American former breaststroke swimmer who represented the United States at two consecutive Summer Olympics, starting in 1972. Colella's sister Lynn was also a competition swimmer and Olympian. In 1971, he and his sister were co-winners of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer Man of the Year award. Colella finished fourth in the final of the 200-meter breaststroke at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany. At the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, Quebec, he finished third and won the bronze medal in the 200-meter breaststroke. Colella and his wife Terry have raised four children, Elise, Mariel, Brian and Angie. For the past seven years, the Colellas have dedicated themselves to raising money for research to find a cure for facioscapulohumeral disease, a common form of muscular dystrophy that affects their son Brian. They formed FSH Friends, an organization that they run out of their home. They work to raise money and put on an annual auction gala that takes place in the end of January. They've also co-sponsored local workshops, bringing researchers together from around the world, to help move the research forward. 
December 14th, 1951 in Seattle (Age 73) as Richard Phillip Colella, Jr.
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