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Massimo Moratti
Italian Billionaire, President of FC INTERNAZIOANLE MILANO
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General Information
Massimo Moratti is an Italian petroleum tycoon and Chief Executive Officer of the Saras Group, founded in 1962 by his father, industrialist Angelo Moratti; the main production site of the Saras Group is the Sarroch refinery located on the island of Sardinia, one of Europe's only six supersites, with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day, representing 15% of refining capacity in Italy. In recent years, initially to enable independence of the Sarroch refinery from terms of energy, the Saras Group has entered in the production of electricity and is expanding its production of alternative energy sources, particularly in the field of wind energy, through its subsidiaries Sarlux and Sardeolica, the latter of which is controlled indirectly through the company Eolici Ulassai. From 1995 until 2013, Moratti was the president of F.C. Internazionale Milano. He is said to have spent around ?1.5 billion of his personal fortune in the transfer market, and was famous for signing numerous football superstars. Currently he is Inter's Honorary President, and also a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. 
May 16th, 1945 in Bosco Chiesanuova (Age 79)
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