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Julius Dobos
Composer of many European and U.S. movies, TV shows and CDs
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General Information
Gyula Julius Dobos is a composer and music producer, best known for his electronic and orchestral music releases worldwide, and for his film scores and music used in major motion pictures and television programs in Europe and in the United States. With Mountain Flying, his most popular album up to date, Dobos became the first Hungarian composer of a large-scale orchestral-choral-electronic music project to receive international attention. With seven album releases, including a platinum album, countless film- and television scores, Dobos is one of the prominent living music composers/producers with a Central European origin. Dobos? distinct musical style is characterized by emotionally deep, haunting melodies and monumental instrumentation, unique sound textures and the extensive use of synthesizers and other electronic musical instruments. Although classically trained, the composer generally disregards the formal rules of music composition. Dobos has been influenced by a wide range of musical styles and other art forms, however his works do not follow the trends of popular musical genres. [More at Wikipedia]
June 27th, 1976 in Budapest (Age 48)

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