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Hazel Massery
Student in famous Little Rock Civil Rights photo
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Hazel Bryan Massery was a student at Little Rock Central High School during the 1950s. She was depicted in an iconic photograph that showed her shouting at Elizabeth Eckford, one of the Little Rock Nine, during the integration crisis. In her later life, she would attempt to make amends for this and briefly became friends with Eckford. In 1998, Massery told The Guardian, "I am not sure at that age what I thought, but probably I overheard that my father was opposed to integration.... But I don't think I was old enough to have any convictions of my own yet." Later in life she changed her mind; she had thought of Martin Luther King as a "trouble-maker", but realized "deep down in your soul, he was right." In 1963, having changed her mind on integration and feeling guilt for her treatment of Eckford, she took the initiative of contacting Eckford to apologize. They went their separate ways after this first meeting, and Eckford did not name the girl in the picture when asked about it by reporters. [More at Wikipedia]
Other Names
  • Hazel Bryan
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