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Lance W. Lord
Air force general
  • General Info
General Information
General Lance W. Lord is a retired four-star general in the U.S. Air Force, and was the Commander of Air Force Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado. General Lord entered the Air Force in 1969 as a graduate of the Otterbein College ROTC program. He completed a series of Air Staff and joint duty assignments in strategic missiles after serving four years of Minuteman II ICBM alert duty. He directed the Ground-Launched Cruise Missile Program Management Office in Europe. He was a Military Assistant to the Director of Net Assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and represented the Air Force as a research associate in international security affairs at Ohio State University. General Lord commanded two ICBM wings in Wyoming and North Dakota. In California he commanded a space wing responsible for satellite launch and ballistic missile test launch operations. He served as Director of Plans and as Vice Commander for Headquarters Air Force Space Command. The general led Air Force education and training as Commandant of Squadron Officer School, Commander of 2nd Air Force, Commander of Air University and Director of Education for Air Education and Training Command. 
July 12th, 1946 in Philadelphia (Age 78)

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