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John Roderick
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General Information
John Roderick is an American musician, writer, and podcaster. Born in Seattle, Washington, he grew up in Anchorage, Alaska, where as a young man he worked as a sluice box mucker for a gold mining operation in the area. He is currently the lead singer and guitarist in the band The Long Winters and was formerly a touring member of the band Harvey Danger. He is also a frequent guest musician on recordings by other bands, appearing on the Death Cab for Cutie album Transatlanticism, the Nada Surf album The Weight Is a Gift, The Decemberists album Picaresque, and the David Bazan album Curse Your Branches, as well as recordings by BOAT, Visqueen, Say Hi, Denver Dalley, Shelby Earl and Ken Stringfellow. He collaborated with Jonathan Coulton for Coulton's album, Artificial Heart, released in September, 2011 and a duo album called One Christmas at a Time in November 2012. Roderick co-wrote two songs with Kathleen Edwards on her 2011 album Voyageur. "Soft Place to Land," co-written by Edwards and Roderick, won the 2012 SOCAN Songwriting Prize. 
September 13th, 1968 in Seattle (Age 56)
Last Changes
New Event: 2014/05/01 09:00 PM - Portland, OR, United States
New Event: 2014/01/21 08:00 PM - Portland, OR, United States
New Event: 2013/11/30 08:00 PM - San Francisco, CA, United States
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