Matthew "Matt" Hayes is a renowned British angler who has been making television angling programmes for the last 20 years featuring mainly on the digital TV channel, Discovery Real Time. Due to his television work and the numerous fishing articles he has written, Hayes is one of the UK's most famous and recognisable anglers. He is often seen on TV alongside his fishing companion and fellow programme contributor Mick Brown. He has a Law degree from Wolverhampton University and he lived in Shropshire, the UK for several years but moved to reside in Norway several years ago where he has built up a business based around salmon fishing there.
In his early years on his program Total Fishing with Matt Hayes, his co-presenter was Jan Porter. He has written a weekly column in the Angling Times for almost ten years and is the current President of The Carp Society. [More at Wikipedia]
November 24th, 1961 in Smethwick (Age 63)
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