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Jay Edwards
Former IU basketball player
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General Information
Jay Edwards is an American former professional basketball player who was selected by the Los Angeles Clippers in the 2nd round of the 1989 NBA Draft. A 6'4" guard from Indiana University, Edwards played in only 4 games for the Clippers in his NBA career. He entered the NBA after playing only two seasons for the Hoosiers. During his sophomore year at Indiana, he averaged 20.0 ppg for the Hoosiers and once held the school record for 20 consecutive games with a three-pointer, leading the Hoosiers to the 1989 Big Ten title. Edwards was the Big Ten Freshman of the Year in 1988 and an All-American in 1989. When Edwards was in high school in Marion, Indiana, he and his teammate, Lyndon Jones, led the Marion Giants to three consecutive state championships. The three-peat was known in Indiana as the "Purple Reign" referring to the schools colors of purple and gold. In 1987 Edwards shared the title of Indiana's "Mr. Basketball" award along with teammate Lyndon Jones. Edwards and Jones would also play together for two years at Indiana University. In high school Jay was given the nickname "Silk" for his gracefully smooth jump shot. 
January 3rd, 1969 in Muncie (Age 56)
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