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Florence Perry Heide
Children's author (the shrinking of treehorn)
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General Information
Florence Parry Heide was a bestselling American children's writer. Born in Pittsburgh and spending most of her childhood in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, she studied at Wilson College in Chambersburg, PA. After two years, she transferred to UCLA and graduated in 1939. She worked in advertising and public relations in New York City before returning to Pittsburgh during World War II and became publicity director of The Pittsburgh Playhouse. She met her husband, Capt. Donald C. Heide, in October, 1943. They married six weeks later, on November 27, 1943. After the war ended, she and her husband moved to Kenosha, Wisconsin. He began a private law practice where he worked until his retirement in 1982. She devoted herself to her children and began her career as a children's author during the 1960s while they were still at home. Her first book, Maximilian, was published in 1967. She has since published more than 100 books for children and youth ? from picture books to adolescent novels ? and several collections of poetry. She also collaborated with Sylvia Van Clief to write a number of songs. 
February 27th, 1919 in Pittsburgh  /  Died:   Oct 23rd, 2011
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Date: Oct 23rd, 2011
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