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Frew McMillan
Tennis hof
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Frew Donald McMillan is a former professional male tennis player from South Africa. He won five major doubles championships including three Wimbledons with Bob Hewitt. Altogether, he won 63 doubles titles, surpassed only by John McEnroe and Tom Okker. He was also ranked No.1 in Doubles on the ATP Computer for a significant period from 1977 to 1979 when he was aged 37. McMillan had a less distinguished singles career which is not well recorded although he did have some good results over the years, many of which occurred in South Africa. He played in 38 Grand Slam singles events with a 28 to 38 win loss record. First playing in 1961 at Wimbledon and his last being at the first U.S. Open at Flushing Meadows in 1978. His best results in both came at the U.S. Open reaching the quarter finals in 1972 and the last 16 in 1976. Arguably his greatest result was reaching the final of the 1970 South African Open held at Ellis Park. He beat a raging Pancho Gonzales in the semifinal before losing to world no.1 Rod Laver in four sets in the final. At the time the South African Open with Italian and German Opens were rated the top three tournaments beneath the Grand Slams. 
May 20th, 1942 in Springs (Age 82)
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