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Eddie Mooney
The Dakotas
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Eddie Mooney, is a vocalist/bassist whose musical career has been with various rock and pop bands since the mid-1970s. Mooney joined his first teen pop group in Larne, Northern Ireland in 1974, called Flame, who toured with the chart acts of the time, but released no recordings. In 1975 Mooney moved to Manchester where he formed the progressive rock band "Accidents" with keyboardist Paul McKavanagh and drummer Alan Arenstein. Popular on the student circuit, the band survived the onset of punk, releasing their only EP "Execution" on their own Eye label. By 1978 Mooney had gone solo and, with backing group the Grave, featuring guitarist Mike Rowbottom and drummer Chris Fisher, he was signed to independent Manchester label TJM Records, which also released singles by Mick Hucknall, later of Simply Red, and Slaughter & The Dogs. In 1978 the label released the bizarre "I Bought Three Eggs" single, frequently played by BBC Radio 1 DJ John Peel. Although it didn't chart, the track attained cult status being re-released on the "White Dopes on Punk" CD in 2005 and again on vinyl on the German "Still Unbeatable" label in 2009. 
August 6th, 1957 in Stoke-on-Trent (Age 67)
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