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Kenna James
Poker player
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General Information
Kenna James is an American professional poker player, television commentator and consultant who currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. James total live tournament winning exceed $3,500,000. He has finished in the money 21 times at the World Series of Poker earning nearly $500,000 of his total tournament winnings at the WSOP. Kenna has 74 final table appearances and 15 overall wins He has two final table appearance at the WSOP including a 4th place in the 2003 $2,500 no limit Texas hold'em event, and a 6th place finish in the 2008 $1500 Razz event. James was the only player to win two tournaments for the first season of the Ultimate Poker Challenge, and served as a Co-Host of the show with Chad Brown. He was also the commentator for WPT Canada along with Jim Van Horn and The Premiere Poker League with Jesse May in London, England for Matchroom Sports. In August 2005, James finished second to Alex Kahaner at the World Poker Tour Legends of Poker $5,000 No Limit hold 'em tournament, earning $588,210. In March 2006, James finished second in the $10,000 buy-in Limit Hold-em event to Mike Schneider in the fifth annual PartyPoker Million Cruise. James received $700,000 for this finish. [More at Wikipedia]
December 18th, 1963 in Chicago (Age 61)
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