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Tim Natusch
Rugby Player
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General Information
Tim Natusch is a rugby league footballer who currently plays with the Brisbane Broncos. In his early years he lived with his family in Papua New Guinea before moving to New Zealand with his parents and settling in the coastal township of Waikanae, roughly 100 kilometres north of the capital city, Wellington. To further his sporting ambitions Natusch attended Wellington College. Due to the distance between his home in Waikane and school in Wellington, Natusch would regularly stay at his sister's in Karori. During this time he was a regular edition to the Number 21 Wright's Hill school bus. Other past well known travellers on this service include Robert Ford, James Speight, Russell Weir and Tom Everton. During his time at Wellington College, Natucsh was a crucial part to the 2ND XV in 2003. It was this team in which Tim was inducted into the "Dog Pound Gang" or D.P.G by the presidents Fraser Gyde and Nick White. Tim has gained the most media success out of all the D.P.G members, through publication in the New Zealand Herald and his NRL appearances. Wellington College, a rugby based school did not promote rugby league or support union players trying out the game. [More at Wikipedia]
July 3rd, 1986 in Papua New Guinea (Age 38)
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