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Dan K. McNeill
Army general
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Dan Kelly McNeill is a retired four-star general in the United States Army. He served as Commander, Coalition Forces, Afghanistan from 2002 to 2003 and as Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces Command from 2004 to 2007. He then served as Commander, International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan from February 1, 2007 to June 3, 2008. According to Eurasianet, McNeill opposed the local ceasefires and economic development programs that had been favored by the outgoing NATO commander, British General David Richards. The attempted targeting of Taliban commander Abdul Ghafour, through aerial bombardment, on February 4, 2007, was seen as a sign of the policy changes McNeill wanted to introduce. Officials in several European countries have quietly expressed concern about placing an American general in charge of the NATO force. Richards tried to create a less harsh, more economic-development-oriented identity for NATO in Afghanistan, as compared to the "kicking-down-doors" image that US forces have. Many local analysts expect NATO forces to embrace a more aggressive stance under McNeill, who is believed to oppose the type of local peace arrangements that Richards promoted. 
July 23rd, 1946 in Warsaw (Age 78)

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