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Christiane Martel
Miss Universe 1953 born in 1932 and was in Adam and Eve
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General Information
Christiane Martel, is a French actress and beauty pageant titleholder who became the second woman to win Miss Universe in 1953 Martel was crowned Miss France by outgoing titleholder Claude Godart and represented France at Miss Universe 1953 where she became the second Miss Universe. She was crowned by actress, Julie Adams as Miss Universe 1952, Armi Kuusela of Finland gave up her crown. Martel's runners-up in the 1953 pageant was Myrna Hansen of the USA, followed by delegates of Japan, Mexico, and Australia. Shortly after her reign, Martel embarked on a successful career in international films, appearing in movies such as Yankee Pasha, So This Is Paris, Abajo el Tel�n, the 1956 version of Coraz�n salvaje, Viva el Amor!, Rosa Blanca and her last film to date, 1961's Leoni al Sole. Martel was married briefly to Ronnie Marengo, a department store heir, whom she divorced in 1955. She later married Miguel Alem�n Velasco, who would become Governor of Veracruz and is the son of Miguel Alem�n Vald�s, former president of Mexico. They have three daughters and one son. Their son, Miguel Alem�n Magnani is a stakeholder of Televisa and the owner of low-cost airline, Interjet. [More at Wikipedia]
January 1st, 1932 in Paris (Age 93)
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New Response (Success): signed my pics
New Response (Success): Signed my photo
New Response (Success): Ms. Martel signed the postcard that I sent.
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