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Blanche Howard
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Blanche Willis Howard was a best-selling American novelist who lived most of her productive years in southern Germany. Born and raised in Bangor, Maine, and a graduate of Bangor High School, her family were among the earliest settlers of that community. Her breakthrough novel was One Summer, set in the coastal town of Wiscasset, Maine. In 1877 she went to Germany on assignment to write travel articles for the Boston Evening Transcript and stayed there the rest of her life, settling in Stuttgart and opening a finishing school for American girls abroad. Eventually she married Baron von Teufel, the court physician to King Charles I of W�rttemberg, thereby becoming the Baroness von Teufel. She died in Munich in 1898. Howard wrote a total of 14 books, most of them novels, and with the exception of One Summer, all were written in Germany and sent to Boston and New York publishers. Some were also translated into European languages. She was one of only a handful of American novelists of this era to write from abroad, the iconic example being Henry James, and is credited with helping encourage an American enthusiasm for European travel. 
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