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Jane Corbin
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Jane Phillipa Corbin is a British journalist and film maker who has made over a hundred documentaries mainly for the BBC and its current affairs programme Panorama. She specialises in covering Central Asia, the Middle East and terrorism and has investigated the major human rights issues and global political and military events of the past three decades. Corbin is a three times winner of the Royal Television Society Award and is an Emmy nominee. She has given expert testimony before various Committees of the House of Commons on Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq and also on al Qaeda. She has written two books, Gaza First and Al Qaeda: the terror network that threatens the world and has authored many feature articles. Jane Corbin was educated at King's College London, graduating with a degree in English in 1975. Corbin was part of the first intake of new journalists to be employed by the new Channel 4 News before it was launched in November 1982. When with ITN, Corbin covered major news events such as the siege of the Holy Sikh Temple at Amritsar in June 1984 and reported on the miners strike the same year. 
July 16th, 1954 in (Age 70)
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