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Lee Weiner
One of the famous 'Chicago 7' war protesters, 1968
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Lee Weiner, a member of the Chicago Seven, was charged with "conspiring to use interstate commerce with intent to incite a riot" and "teaching demonstrators how to construct incendiary devices that would be used in civil disturbances" at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. When the trial of the Chicago Eight began in the early fall of 1969, Weiner was a doctoral candidate and teaching assistant at Northwestern University, and had graduated from the University of Illinois, studied political philosophy at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and earned a master's degree in social work from Loyola University's School of Social Work in Chicago. According to Weiner, towards the end of the trial, "there was no question we would be put in jail. I ended up going, mostly for correcting my name. People always pronounced it Wee-ner. It's Wye-ner. When the judge would say Wee-ner, I would shout out, "It's Wye-ner," and he got pissed off and charged me with contempt, which was a perfect summary of my political stance. I was sentenced to two and a half months." J. Anthony Lukas described Weiner as "a strangely remote figure who shunned most of the defendants' extracurricular activities." 
January 1st, 1939 in (Age 86)
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