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Mary Manson
Actress - Curse Of The Fly
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General Information
Brian Hugh Warner, better known by his stage name Marilyn Manson, is an American musician, songwriter, actor, painter, multimedia artist and former music journalist known for his controversial stage personality and image as the eponymous lead singer of the band Marilyn Manson, of which he is the founder and only constant member. His stage name was formed by juxtaposing the names of two American cultural icons, namely actress Marilyn Monroe and Manson Family leader Charles Manson. He is perhaps best known for his songs and albums released in the 1990s, such as 1996's Antichrist Superstar and 1998's Mechanical Animals, which along with his public image earned him a reputation in the mainstream media as a controversial figure and a negative influence on young people. In the US alone, three of the band's albums have been awarded two platinum and three more went gold, and the band has had seven releases debut in the top ten, including two number-one albums. Manson has been ranked number 44 in the Top 100 Heavy Metal Vocalists by Hit Parader, and has been nominated for four Grammy Awards. Manson made his film debut in 1997, as an actor in David Lynch's Lost Highway. 
January 5th, 1969 in Canton (Age 56) as Brian Hugh Warner
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