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Lorn Brown
Male Voice Over Talent
  • General Info
General Information
Lorn Brown was a sports broadcaster who worked for baseball's AAA Iowa Oaks 1973-1974, Chicago White Sox, Milwaukee Brewers, and New York Mets, among other jobs. He once said that he changed the spelling of his first name from Lorne to Lorn because he didn't want to be confused with the actor Lorne Greene. Brown's career included working alongside such baseball broadcasters as Harry Caray, Bob Uecker, and Bob Murphy, each a recipient of the prestigious Ford C. Frick Award, the highest honor in the field. While a member of the Mets' TV broadcast team, many Mets fans referred to him as "The Professor" because of his appearance; beside his greying beard and glasses, he would often choose to wear a vest or a Tweed Jacket on air. He would go on to be replaced in the Mets booth by Tim McCarver, who would go on to become the highest profile baseball broadcaster of his generation and would also win the Frick award. Brown's basketball work included Bradley U., Drake U, Big 10, ACC, Missouri Valley, Notre Dame and Metro Conf. TV networks as well as TV announcer for the Chicago Bulls 1974-1978. Brown is a member of the Illinois Basketball Coaches Hall of Fame. 
United States of America
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Date: Jun 24th, 2010
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Type:Voice-Over Agency
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Comb. Stats: 
15 8 3
Comb. Rating:  (18)
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Address Details
Type:Voice-Over Agency
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Comb. Stats: 
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Comb. Rating:  (9)

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