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Angelo Loukakis
Author (Fiction) - Memory of Tides, Vernacular Dreams
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General Information
Angelo Loukakis is an Australian author. He was born in Australia, attended Fort Street High School, studied English Literature at the University of New South Wales, and acquired a Dip. Ed. from Sydney Teachers College and a Doctorate in Creative Arts from the University of Technology, Sydney. He has worked as a teacher, editor, publisher and scriptwriter. Angelo Loukakis is the author of three novels: Messenger, The Memory of Tides, and Houdini's Flight; two collections of short stories, as well as non-fiction work, such as a children's book on Greeks in Australia, a book on ancestry based on the Australian version of the television series Who Do You Think You Are? and a travel book on Norfolk Island. Angelo?s parents came from the island of Crete, Greece and his novel, The Memory of Tides, which has as a backdrop the Battle of Crete, honours their generation. Of that novel he has said: I wanted to show the extraordinary and positive relationships that were formed between Greeks and Aussies at a time of profound crisis. There were many instances of cross-cultural revelation during the Greek campaign. 
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