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Kevin Lloyd
Actor in 'The Bill' as Tosh Lines
  • General Info
General Information
Kevin Reardon Lloyd was an English actor, born in Derby, Derbyshire, and trained at East 15 Acting School, London. Best known for his part of DC Alfred "Tosh" Lines in Thames Television's The Bill. Prior to this he had already played the high-profile role of nightclub owner, Don Watkins, in the soap opera Coronation Street. He also made appearances in a number of other TV shows, including the first series of Starting Out, Boon, Minder, Dear John, Farrington of the F.O., Dempsey and Makepeace, Z-Cars, Andy Capp, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, Blake's 7 and Casualty. Lloyd was one of the most popular members of the television show, The Bill. In 1996, the show won the award for "Best TV Drama" at the National Television Awards and it was Lloyd who collected it on behalf of the cast and crew. His Welsh-born father, Ellis Aled Lloyd, was himself a police officer who was killed in an accident while answering an emergency call aged 46 in 1970. A chronic alcoholic, he played "Tosh" continuously from 1988 until he was sacked from The Bill in 1998 for his lack of punctuality and failing to learn his lines. 
March 28th, 1949 in Derby  /  Died:   May 2nd, 1998 - alcohol related incident
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New Scanned Autograph (Bought/Prob.Auth)
New Scanned Autograph (Bought/Prob.Auth)
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This celebrity has passed away
Date: May 2nd, 1998 - alcohol related incident
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