British Actor born 1916.'Horror of Frankenstein','Dads Army','Village of the Damned','Spy Catcher','Doctor Who','Lyttons Diary','Corridors of Blood','File of Golden Goose','Avengers','Danger Man'
British actor: oppenheimer, Dunkirk, Avengers Endgame, Rise: Blood Hunter, The Ice House, A Dance to the Music of Time, Rebel Heart, Nicholas Nickleby, Broadchurch, Homeland, Constellation
British composer; titel song 'Starsky and Hutch','Something about Mary'. Wrote for Elvis, The New Seekers, The Fifth Dimension, Frank Sinatra, a.o. 'Build Me Up Buttercup', 'You Won't Find Another Fool Like Me', 'Kissing In The Back Row of The Movies'