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Gina Guidi
American boxer
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General Information
Gina "Boom Boom" Guidi is a California native and resident of San Leandro, California, a professional female boxer, and a three-time champion of the world. Guidi began boxing with her brothers at the local police athletic league as a teen, and has been boxing for more than 25 years. With an undefeated amateur record of 12-0 with nine knock outs, she went professional in 1994. Guidi regularly donates time and money to non-profit organizations, including domestic abuse prevention and AIDS research programs. Guidi is lesbian and has publicly supported various gay causes, Advocate noted her as "one of the few visible out lesbian boxers" in 2003. Her professional record is 16-1-1 with six of her wins being by KO. [More at Wikipedia]
May 19th, 1962 in (Age 62)
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