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Donald Rumbelow
  • General Info
General Information
Donald Rumbelow is a British crime historian, former curator of the City of London Police's Crime Museum, twice chairman of Britain's Crime Writers' Association, and author of the book The Complete Jack the Ripper. Known as an expert in the field of Jack the Ripper research, Rumbelow hosts tourist groups four times a week on a "Jack the Ripper Walk" - a walking tour of the crime scenes in London's Whitechapel district, home of the Ripper murders. A London Tourist Board Blue Badge Guide, Rumbelow's tour takes approximately 2 hours to complete. The tour begins at Tower Hill, northwest of the Tower of London, and ends inside the Ten Bells, a Victorian public house frequented by Ripper victims Annie Chapman and Mary Kelly. During the walk, Rumbelow summarizes the Ripper murders and provides an understanding of what the Spitalfields and Whitechapel areas of London's East End were like in 1888, the year the murders took place. In addition to the Ripper tours, Rumbelow gives lectures on London's crime history and has taken part in several documentaries about Jack the Ripper. 
January 1st, 1940 in (Age 84)
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