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Christina Kim (2)
LPGA Golfer
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Christina Kim is an American professional golfer currently playing on the LPGA Tour and on the Ladies European Tour. She is known for her animated style of play, flamboyant dress, and outgoing personality. Kim competed in eight events in 2001 on the Futures Tour and made three cuts and a tied for second once. Shortly after her 18th birthday, Kim turned professional and competed on the 2002 Futures Tour for prize money. Kim missed just one cut in 18 starts with 12 top-ten finishes. She won her first event as a professional in August 2002 - the Hewlett-Packard Garden State FUTURES Summer Classic in a six-hole playoff over future LPGA Tour star Lorena Ochoa. Kim was second to Ochoa on the money list and both earned LPGA Tour cards for 2003. Kim won the 2004 Longs Drugs Challenge and the 2005 Mitchell Company Tournament of Champions and was a member of three U.S. Solheim Cup teams in 2005, 2009, and 2011. She was the youngest player to reach $1 million in earnings, which she achieved in 2004 at age 20. This record was broken the following year by Paula Creamer. She joined the Ladies European Tour in 2010 and competed in six events, including two that were co-sanctioned with the LPGA. [More at Wikipedia]
March 15th, 1984 in San Jose (Age 40)
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