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Mike Eden
Baseball player from 1976-1978 with the Braves and White Sox
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General Information
Edward Michael Eden is a former backup infielder in Major League Baseball, playing mainly at short stop and second base for two different teams in the 1976 and 1978 seasons. Listed at 5' 10", 170 lb., he was a switch-hitter and threw right-handed. Eden has the distinction of being the only major leaguer born in Fort Clayton, a former US military base on the Pacific side of the Panama Canal. He attended Southern Illinois University, and as member of the SIU Salukis, was selected third baseman to the All-Tournament Team of the 1971 College World Series. Signed by the San Francisco Giants in 1972, Eden was acquired by the Atlanta Braves in 1976 as part of a five-player trade. He appeared in five games with Atlanta in that season before joining the Chicago White Sox in 1978, and also spent part of three seasons in Triple-A with the Iowa Oaks and Rochester Red Wings. In two major league seasons, Eden posted a .080 batting average and scored a run in 15 games. He hit .269 in 266 minor league games, including 16 home runs, 114 RBI, and a .363 on-base percentage. 
May 22nd, 1949 in Fort Clayton (Age 75)
Last Changes
New Response (Success): 2 signed IC's, and a nice, signed, letter.
New Response (Success): Sent letter, SASE and photo. Received photo signed..
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Prob.Auth)
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