Kenny Rogers
(Singer: Lucille, Lady, The Gambler, She Believes in Me, Through the Years, You Decorated My Life, Islands in the Stream, Coward of the County, Buy Me a Rose // Actor: The Dream Makers, The Gambler, Six Pack, Rio Diablo, Christmas in America, MacShayne)
Born: August 21st, 1938 in Houston  /  Died:   Mar 20th, 2020 - aged 81
Films: The Uh-Oh! Show (2009) | Longshot (2001) | Six Pack (1982) | Kenny Rogers as The Gambler (1980) | The Dream Makers (1975) |
TV:The Nick and Jessica Variety Hour | Rollin' On The River | That Gold Old Nashville Music |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress

Probably Authentic
This celebrity is deceased.

(Date: Mar 20th, 2020 - aged 81)

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