Devon Odessa
(Actress: Highway to Heaven, Full House, The Facts of Life, Pumpkinhead, Hunter, The Commish, My So Called Life, Campfire Tales, Mad Cowgirl, Pacific Blue, The Others, The Wonder Years)
Born: January 18th, 1974 in Parkersburg (Age 50)
Films: Broken Angel (2008) | Mad Cowgirl (2006) | Punks (2000) | The Sterling Chase (1999) | The Omega Code (1999) | Nowhere (1997) | Campfire Tales (1997) | Trial by Fire (1996) | Uncle Buck (1989) | Pumpkinhead (1989) |
TV:My So-Called Life |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress

Probably Authentic

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