Fran Ryan
(Actress - Gunsmoke (replaced Amanda Blake in the final season), Green Acres (replaced Barbara Pepper as Doris Ziffel in the final season), The Doris Day Show, The Dave Thomas Show, The Wizard, No Soap Radio, Gen. Hospital, The Long Riders, Pale Rider)
Born: November 29th, 1916 in Los Angeles  /  Died:   Jan 15th, 2000
Films: Suture (1993) | Nick Knight (1989) | Chances Are (1989) | Lucky Stiff (1988) | Lucky Stiff (1988) | Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge (1987) | Quiet Cool (1986) | Fuzz Bucket (1986) | Pale Rider (1985) | The Sure Thing (1985) |
TV:The Wizard | Devlin | Green Acres | New Zoo Revue | Little Dracula | Sigmund and the Sea Monsters | Mister T | No Soap, Radio | Hong Kong Phooey | The Doris Day Show | The Dave Thomas Comedy Show |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress

Probably Authentic
This celebrity is deceased.

(Date: Jan 15th, 2000)

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