Bob Hoskins
(Actor - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Hook, Mermaids, Mona Lisa, The Cotton Club, Lassiter, Brazil, Super Mario Bros., Nixon, Michael, Shattered, Felicia's Journey, Captain Jack, Enemy At The Gates, Maid In Manhattan, Beyond The Sea, Hollywoodland, manager in)
Born: October 26th, 1942 in Bury St Edmunds  /  Died:   Apr 29th, 2014 - aged 71
Films: Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) | Will (2011) | Outside Bet (2011) | Neverland (2011) | Made in Dagenham (2010) | A Christmas Carol (2009) | Doomsday (2008) | Ruby Blue (2008) | Outlaw (2007) | Go Go Tales (2007) |
TV:Softly, Softly: Taskforce | Kate | Sir Yellow | Värsta språket | Big Jim And The Figaro Club | The Englishman's Boy | Shoulder to Shoulder | Pennies From Heaven | The Main Chance | The Forgotten Toys |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress
Performing Arts->Screenwriter/Playwright
Performing Arts->Director/Producer

Received through a trade
Probably Authentic
This celebrity is deceased.

(Date: Apr 29th, 2014 - aged 71)

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