Nicky Henson
(British Musical and TV Actor born 1945.Son of Actor Leslie Henson.Jack on'EastEnders','Syrina','Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones','Death Wheelers','Old Drac','Conquerer Worm','Girl in My Soup','Mosquito Squadron','Shine on Harvey Moon')
Born: May 12th, 1945 in London  /  Died:   Dec 15th, 2019 - cancer
Films: Blitz (2011) | Syriana (2005) | Vera Drake (2004) | Me Without You (2001) | Death, Deceit and Destiny Aboard the Orient Express (2001) | Parting Shots (1998) | No. 1 of the Secret Service (1977) | Penny Gold (1974) |
TV:Prometheus: The Life of Balzac | After You've Gone | The Happy Apple | The Green Man | Shine on Harvey Moon | The Frost Report |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress

Probably Authentic
This celebrity is deceased.

(Date: Dec 15th, 2019 - cancer)

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