Ray Danton
(Director & Actor: Chief Crazy Horse, Outside the Law, The Night Runner, Onionhead, The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond, The Alaskans, The George Raft Story, The Longest Day, Tiger of Terror, Secret Agent Super Dragon, Apache Blood, Psychic Killer)
Born: September 19th, 1931 in New York City  /  Died:   Feb 11th, 1992 - aged 60
Films: Dead on Target (1976) | Apache Blood (1975) | Psychic Killer (1975) | Centerfold Girls (1974) | Hannah, Queen of the Vampires (1973) | The Last Mercenary (1968) | Secret Agent Super Dragon (1966) | The Spy Who Went Into Hell (1965) |
TV:The Alaskans | NBC Matinee Theater | Dead on Target |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress

Probably Authentic
This celebrity is deceased.

(Date: Feb 11th, 1992 - aged 60)

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