Rosanne Cash
(American Female Singer, Musician, And Author - Guitar (1978- ). Country, Pop Music Genre. Daughter Of Johnny Cash. Single - 'Seven Year Ache' (1981), 'I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me' (1985) Plus More. Novel - 'Composed: A Memoir' (2010))
Born: May 24th, 1955 in Memphis (Age 69)
Films: Big Stone Gap (2014) |
TV:Television Parts |
listed in the following categories:
Other->Celebrity Relative
Authors & Writers->Author/Journalist

TTM Success
Probably Authentic (Certified/COA)

TTM Success
Probably Authentic

TTM Success
Probably Authentic
Result Details
StarTiger Members:
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Type: Success
Sent: 2010/09/26 - Rcvd: 2010/10/28 (32 Days)
Comment: "Enviado 2 tapas cd´s + libro 'cash : la autobiografia de Johnny Cash' + sobre + carta con el correspondiente SASE .Devuelto firmados y dedicados .Es autentica la firma. English :Posted 2 covers cd's + book 'Cash: The Autobiography of Johnny Cash + on + the corresponding letter with SASE. Returned signed and dedicated.'s Authentic signature."

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