Ronee Blakley
(Singer & Actress: Nashville, The Driver, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover, Desperate Women, She Came to the Valley, The Baltimore Bullet, A Return to Salem's Lot)
Born: August 24th, 1945 in Nampa (Age 79)
Films: Someone to Love (1987) | A Return to Salem's Lot (1987) | A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) | The Baltimore Bullet (1980) | Lightning Over Water (1980) | Good Luck, Miss Wyckoff (1979) | She Came to the Valley (1978) |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress

In-Person Autograph
Authentic (In-Person)
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Type: Success
Sent: 2006/07/15 - Rcvd: 2006/07/15 (0 Days)
Comment: "Ronee Blakley is mostly known for A Nightmare on Elm Street. I had a few people send me photos for her to sign. She liked the photos alot. One of the originals looked better then the COPY they had.. LOL.. She told her agent that hers looks bad and wants a better copy. Her manager then said it's because their's is a copy of a copy. So Ronee began to sign the photos. When she got to one and asked me who to make it out to I told her no one. Just sign it because that's what the person asked for. She made a BIG stink about it saying oh, it costs more and can be sold. We will have to charge you more. Both her and her agent then brought up EBAY saying that I could sell it on there for alot more. (This pissed me the hell off. They are accusing me of wanting to sell this stupid thing on EBAY. Of my Gosh, they don't want people making more off them is the perception I got. Why if they used their lame brain maybe they would then SELL on EBAY.. LOL.. These types of Agents and Celebrities are a JOKE to me.) I then came back and asked why? I'm not going to sell it. It's for another person. They are paying you to do a service, to sign a signature. They said, well, if it's not made out to anyone you can sell it, and I have to charge you more. Ronee then acted all innocent saying that she doesn't make the rules, but just does what she is told. I literally laughed at her. I then said, hell, the EBAY listing fees will cost more than they would pay for your sig. Only a hardcore Freddy fan would want that sig and there aren't many around after 20 years. Besides, I could just erase the signature off in 2 seconds with a dry erase marker. No other agents do this. If you want, I will introduce you to about 15 that I personally know at this show, and who will teach you the etiquette and the dos and don't. One is not to accuse your customer of wanting to sell your merchandise for more, due to once they buy it they can do whatever the hell they want with it. The agent said, no, you can't. You can't sell it or give it away due to it's yours. I laughed out loud. I then said, do you know what an EBAY VETO is? All you have to do is place a VETO in for Ronee Blakley and no one can sell her stuff on EBAY except you. It takes about a week. She then said it's there choice to sign items for more money. I told her, yes, and it's my choice, and the thousands who read everywhere I post this to know about your attitude and to just not buy your signatures anymore. I then looked at Ronee and said, nothing personal against you, it's that your agent doesn't know what the hell she is doing, and educating you incorrectly. When you are ready you can find me and I will introduce you to more qualified ones who will take care of you, and your fans, to ensure repeat business for you. And BTW - I have done graphics work for celebrities at this show, and you are right, that photo looks like crap. Anyone with Photoshop expertise can turn that crappy image into a nice one without an original. I can do this for you. Your agent wants to get techinical about stuff lets just say that all of these copied photos on your table are all violating copywright laws and are illegal. I doubt your agent got permission to copy these, did she? She looked at her agent who shut up. I'm a nice guy, but when I hear this crap, I'm sorry, I'm going to give crap back. Signing a photo isn't brain surgery, so don't give it, if you can't take it back. She signed all of my stuff. Her agent made her draw some squigglies and a face under her sig on the photos she thought I could sell to DEVALUE the photo.. LOL.. I laughed at her and said.. Hey, you see that nice lady over there with Alan Young and Connie Stevens? She has stuff that will take that off for me in 5 seconds. Have a nice day. I left them on there for the person I obtained the sig for to decide if they want it or not.. LOL.."

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