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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag Region%3A:South_Dakota
Browsing Entries matching Tag Region%3A:South_Dakota
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  1. Former U.S. Senator from South Dakota (1973-1979)
  2. Former U.S. Senator from South Dakota (1987-2005)
  3. Tim Johnson  (4)
    Former U.S. Senator from South Dakota (1997-2015)
  4. U.S. Representative from Illinois
  5. Former U.S. Senator from South Dakota (1963-1981)
  6. Fmr United States Senator from South Dakota
  7. 8th U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security (2025-); Governor of South Dakota (2019-2025), U.S. Representative from South Dakota (2011-2019)
  8. Former U.S. Senator from South Dakota (1979-1997)
  9. US Senator from South Dakota (2015 - present)
  10. U.S. Senator From South Dakota (2005-present)