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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag Governor%3A:Jerry_Brown
Browsing Entries matching Tag Governor%3A:Jerry_Brown
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  1. American Female Politician - State Senator Of California (1998-2006) - California Secretary of State (2007-2015)
  2. the mike curb congregation (burning bridges/1970)/ American musician, record company executive, motorsports car owner, & politician who served as 42nd Lieutenant Governor of California from 1979 to 1983 under Democratic Governor Edmund G. 'Jerry' Brown
  3. Former Governor of California (1999-2003)
  4. Former Governor of California (1983-1991)
  5. California State Assemblyman (1963-1966 and 2002-2008); California State Senator (1967-1975); Lieutenant Governor of California (1975-1979); U.S. Representative from California (1981-1993)
  6. Vice President of the United States (2021-2025); Senator for California (2017-21), Attorney General of California (2011-17)
  7. David Jones  (6)
    British Politician
  8. Mayor of San Francisco, California (2004-2011); Lieutenant Governor of California (2011-19); Elected Governor of California in 2018
  9. Prominent U.S. Democratic politician and the California State Treasurer