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  1. US Supercentenarian, born April 14, 1908
  2. Spanish Civil War Veteran (Red Army) Born: 1913
  3. Former head of Mossad from 1968 - 1974. Zamir also fought in Haganah's Palmach, an underground army, during WWII. and fought with the IDF in the 1948 Arab - Israeli War
  4. Lived through the 1918 Spanish Flu. As of April 2020, she is 104 and lives in a care home in Biella, Northern Italy
  5. Granddaughter of Kennedy assassination eyewitness Abraham Zapruder. Her recollections were recorded as part of a panel discussion on the 2013 publication, LIFE: The Day Kennedy Died
  6. son of Abraham Zapruder who filmed the JFK assassination
  7. US Secret Service for Candidate George Wallace; was unintentionally shot in the neck during the assassination attempt on Wallace
  8. JFK - A longtime engineer and executive with the Eastman Kodak Company, Zavada is the man who authenticated the Abraham Zapruder film; his verdict that the film is unaltered made him a target of the conspiracy community
  9. The real life daughter of the Zoo Keepers Wife. The movie is based on her family
  10. JFK related/Frogman in the Bay of Pigs/Chaired the foreign language department at East Tennessee University from 1973 to 1993/Writes textbooks
  11. JFK - Secret Service; was with Kennedy in Tampa, Nov. 1963
  12. JFK - Navy; sang at the state funeral of President Kennedy
  13. JFK - One of the doctors that treated Kennedy on November 22, 1963, at the Parkland hopsital
  14. JFK: Cameraman at a Kennedy press conference at State Department Auditorium, Washington, D.C., 13 September 1962
  15. Author, chef, co - owner/co - founder/matriarch of the Bavarian Inn Restaurant in Frankenmuth, Michigan -- Born December 1, 1921
  16. One of two last surviving members of the White Rose movement in Nazi Germany during WW2. Lived in Stuttgart, Germany as of 2010
  17. Controversial Plus Model
  18. One of four surviving farmers who discovered the Terra Cotta Army in 1974
  19. Whistle Blower/25-Year-Old Sparked Plunge at Lumber Liquidators because of his blog post/â-?60 Minutesâ-ť piece contributed to a 41 percent stock decline in the week through 03/03/2015/It's about about alleged formaldehyde issues in lumber
  20. Created BleachBit, which Hillary Clinton used to erase emails on her private server
  21. Author of two JFK books 'The Texas Connection' in 1991 and 'The Final Chapter on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy' in 2010/JFK conspiracy theorist points finger at LBJ
  22. Holocaust Survivor/10 years old when Nazis invaded Polish town of Siemiatycze. Jews were rounded up, segregated in ghetto & sent to Treblinka, extermination camp. Zoltakâ-™s family avoided fate by escaping ghetto through barbed wire & hiding
  23. Holocaust survivor, author and lectures about the holocaust
  24. Survivor of US Airways Flight 1549, who was successfully ditched in the Hudson River adjacent to Manhattan six minutes after departing from LaGuardia Airport