Born in 1925, Bach is a Psychologist & WWII Veteran who served in the European Theatre of Operations during WW2. He later joined the Research Center For Mental Health at New York University in 1956. He was awarded the Heinz Hartmann award for his research
(Born 1943) US Navy Vietnam Veteran. POW from 1967 to 1973. Recipient of 2 Silver Stars, a Legion of Merit, 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses, a Bronze Star, and 2 Purple Hearts
WWII: Pearl Harbor survivor, 7 December 1941. Served on the USS Ralph Talbot during the attack, and was on board during the landing on Guadalcanal and the Battle of Savo Island in 1942
US WWII Merchant Marine, born 1926. One of the 10 Merchant Marines to represent the surviving 1500 at the official Congressional Gold Medal ceremony in 2022
(Born 1939) US Navy Vietnam War Veteran. POW from 1965 to 1973. Recipient of a Silver Star, a Legion of Merit, a Distinguished Flying Cross, 2 Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart
Former U.S. Army soldier - WWII, Korean War, was assigned to Operation Castle - a series of nuclear weapons tests at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Published 10 books. Mauser expert - History Channel's 'Tales of the Gun' series
A Russian political and military figure, Yury Nikolaevich Baluevsky is the Deputy Secretary of Russia's Security Council, the First Deputy Defense Minister, an army general, and a former head of Russia's General Staff
American journalist at The Washington Post. Frequently appears on the Meet the Press and the PBS program Washington Week. Co-wrote The Battle for America 2008 with the late Pulitzer Prize winner Haynes Johnson. Served in the military
WWII: CBI. Member of Merrill's Marauders aka Unit Galahad, officially named the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional), a US Army long range penetration special operations jungle warfare unit
WWII - Monuments Men, 2nd (post-VE-Day) generation. 66th Infrantry Division; witness of the sinking of the S.S. Leopoldville on 24 Dec 1944 (torpedoed by a German U-boat; 763 soldiers died). Served as a Monuments Men after V-E-day in Austria
WWII: ETO/MTO. 451st Bomb Group, 724th Squadron, 15th AF. His plane was hit by a German 88 on Oct. 13, 1944, while over Vienna, Austria, and had to bail out. He became a POW, eventually held at Stalag Luft #7A near Moosburg, Germany,
WWII: CBI. Member of Merrill's Marauders aka Unit Galahad, officially named the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional), a US Army long range penetration special operations jungle warfare unit
Former General in the Canadian Forces, Military Advisor to the UN Sec. General & head of the Military Division of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the United Nations from 1992 to 1997, & Chief of the Defence Staff in Canada from 1997 t
WWII: US Navy. USS Hornet (CV-8). Doolittle Raid, Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands); survived the sinking of the Hornet in the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands, 26 October 1942
11 year old Civilian Pearl Harbor Witness, born 1930. Father worked at the Harbor. Raced on his bike, saw bombs dropping, bullets near his feet. Told 'We're at war! Run for safety!' Served as island messenger on his bike in the days after
US WWII D-Day veteran, born 1926. Knocked out by an explosion, spent the first night filled with shrapnel and wracked in pain until he was picked up the next afternoon. Later served in the Philippines
Iran Hostage Crisis Survivor (Fifty-two American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days (November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981) Vice consul
WWII Veteran, As a radar operator on a B-29 nicknamed The Great Artiste, he and other crew members accompanied a plane known as Bockscar to Japan, where it dropped the second atomic bomb and hastened the end of World War II
Flew in hundreds of combat helicopter missions in Vietnam during the 1960s. Honored with war medals for helping to extract dozens of wounded Americans from fields and jungles/1st Cavalry Division, 15th Medical Battalion Medevac platoon
Most decorated soldier in the Vietnam War. Has been called the Puerto Rican Rambo. He earned 38 military decorations during his career. Born April 7, 1937
WWII: I Company, 3rd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR). D-Day (wounded by a grenade after a couple of days), back for the Siege of Bastogne (Battle of the Bulge), made it to the Eagle's Nest and ended the war in Austria
WWII - Hitler's Nazi poster boy for propaganda in the late 1930s. Chosen at the age of four, his face appeared on postcards, books and campaigns for Nazi Germany
WWII Rosie and SPAR (1923-2024) Worked two years at Ford Willow Run Bomber Plant, drilling rivet holes for B-24s. Then joined the Coast Guard's Women SPARs
CIA operative gathered on-the-ground intelligence on Cuba's military defenses in preparation for Bay of Pigs invasion. After JFK abandoned invading troops on beach at Playa Girón, Basulto says, he abandoned the CIA operatives on the island
Korean War: One of the 'Non-Repatriated 23' who didn't return to the US after the end of the Korean War. Most ended up returning to the US; a maximum of 7 are still alive
WWII: CBI. Member of Merrill's Marauders aka Unit Galahad, officially named the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional), a US Army long range penetration special operations jungle warfare unit in Burma. Bronze Star
WWII: PTO. Pearl Harbor survivor, ordered to a firefighting party for the Cassin and Downes destroyers. Later Fighter Pilot for VF-1 on USS Bennington CV-20 (missions to Japan)
August 27, 1918- March 20, 2008) was an American aviatrix who became the first American woman to fly a United States Army Air Force jet aircraft as a test pilot during WWII as a member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots program/WASP
WASP/First American woman to fly a United States Army Air Forces jet aircraft when she flew the Bell YP-59A jet fighter at Wright Field as a test pilot during World War II
(Born 1925) US Merchant Marine/Army/Air Force WW2 and Vietnam Veteran. Merchant Marine 1943 to 1944, US Army from 1944 to 1946, US Air Force 1951 to 1974
Pearl Harbor survivor 7 Dec 1941, serving on USS Hull. Later fought in the battles of Bourgainville, Salamua-Lea, Guadalcanal, Wake Island, Attu-Kiska, Wake Island again, and Tarawa. Born July 6, 1921
WWII: Survivor of the failed Operation Jubilee ('Dieppe Raid') on 19 August 1942, when 60% of the mostly Canadian landing force were either killed, wounded or captured
On D-Day, June 6, 1944, 73,000 American forces descended on the beaches of Normandy. Bearden was a 21-year-old sergeant in the Army's 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment. Wrote; 'To D-Day and Back'
Noted Civil War and World War II Historian. WWII Marine, 3rd Raider Battalion (Battle of Guadalcanal), Chief historian for the National Park Service 1981 - 1994
WWII: Marine Corps, 1st Raider Battalion. Tulaghi, Guadalcanal, Saipan, Tinian. Fired the first shot against the Japanese occupied South Pacific Island of Tulagi on August 7, 1942
Vietnam Vet/Participated in Battle of La Drang, highlighted in the book 'We Were Soldiers Once...And Young'/Artillery with Infantry, carried radio in battle/Awarded one Purple Heart, two Bronze Stars
Panzer Captain and recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross who was on the intelligence staff of the Sixth Army during the Stalingrad encirclement
Diego Fernando Murillo Bejarano (born 23 February 1961), also known as Don Berna or Adolfo Paz, is a former leader of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia paramilitary group, as well as the leader of The Office of Envigado cartel
WWII: Esther was one of the last survivors of the Auschwitz concentration camp. She survived because she was a player in the Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz
Korean War: One of the 'Non-Repatriated 23' who didn't return to the US after the end of the Korean War. Native of Belgium, returned to Antwerp after the war
Iran Hostage Crisis Survivor (Fifty-two American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days (November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981) Vice consul
Served in the Navy during WWII in the Pacific Theater and was aboard the USS Lexington in May, 1942, when it was torpedoed during the Battle of Coral Sea
(Born 1923) US Navy WW2 Veteran. Personal friend of JFK during his time in the Navy. Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor (1963-1965) and Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1975-1987)
WWII WAVES female vet, born 1923. Top Secret Ultra clearance, gathered info from/prepared reports for upper command of decoded German messages. Learned of D-Day from a just-decoded msg from Germany's Donitz, saying they'd just been invaded
US WWII Army Air Corps B-29 gunner (1925-2023). Flew over Nagasaki hours after the bombing as part of an Army photo mission. Flew in the Japanese Surrender Ceremony Flyover weeks later
WWII: ETO/D-Day. Radio operator on B-24 Liberator 'The Hard Way' (44-40242), 854th Bomb quadron, 491st Bomb Group, 8th Air Force. Flew 31 missions from June 2, 1944 to Sept. 9, 1944, including D-Day and Hanover, Sept. 9, 1944
WWII: Battle of Tarawa, Saipan, Tinian and Okinawa. Corpsman with D-1-2, 2nd MarDiv. He was in the 2nd wave to Red Beach #2 on Tarawa-D-Day; arriving in a Higgins boat, he had to wade over 500 yards to the shore under devastating fire
WWII: Evacuation of Dunkirk. 4th Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment. Marched almost 120 miles to the beaches near Dunkirk to escape the German advance in May 1940. Eventually he found a rowing boat and was picked up by a navy ship
WWII - Operation Overlord. 279th Port Company, 505th Port Battalion. Landed between Utah and Omaha Beach on D-Day+1 still under constant fire; his unit was responsible to get the beach organized and to get supplies inland
WWII PTO: Co B, 1st Raider Bn, then 4th Marines. Fought at Guadalcanal (Bloody Ridge), Guam, Saipan, Bouganville, New Georgia, Okinawa. Guard duty at USS Missouri on the day the Japanese signed the surrender in Tokyo Bay. 2 Purple Hearts
WWII French Resistance member, born 1925. Truck driver delivering supplies to the Germans, recruited to collect intelligence. Survived a brutal German attack in 1944 when Nazis discovered a local Resistance effort
WWII: US Navy, anti-aircraft gunner. Survived the sinking of the USS Liscome Bay which was struck by a torpedo in the Battle of Tarawa (November 1943) and also his next ship (USS Salamaua) being hit by a Kamikaze
WWII veteran; 101st Airborne, Original Band of Brothers.
Note: He isn't the author of that book mentioned - these were 'Will Bill' Guarnere and 'Babe' Heffron:
Author and former CIA officer and Directorate of Operations between October 1982 and June 2005. Served as a CIA Station Chief on 3 separate occasions and led several of CIA?s most important counterterrorism deployments
WWII - CpL (Tech 5), USA, 78th Quartermaster Bn., 78th Infantry Div., 3rd Army.
Landed at Normandy on D-Day.
Battle of the Bulge veteran.
European Theater of Operations
WWII - Pilot 91st Squadron, 439th Troop Carrier Group; with his C-47 #43-15213 he flew paratroopers of Dog Company, 506th PIR, 101st AB into D-Day (Stick #64). Specialist in towing/rescueing Gliders, carrying D-Day wounded out to safety
Vietnam War - Marines pilot who flew Ambassador Martin out of the American Embassy during the fall of Saigon to the Vietcong, April 30, 1975. Helicopter 'Lady Ace 09'
WWII: 14th Armored Division, Company B Mortar Squad; he fought in the ETO, capturing a succession of small towns in France and into the Italian mountains. He was injured three times
WWII: B-17 pilot, 324th Bomb Squadron, 91st Bomb Group, 8th Air Force. 28 missions from June to August 1944, most in 'Little Miss Mischief' (B-17 42-97880), including France, Munich, Merseburg, Brandenburg, Peenemunde
Former director of Naval Criminal Investigative Service AKA NCIS/With NCIS, Betro served as the Special Agent Afloat aboard the USS John F. Kennedy as well as the USS Enterprise/Did cameo on long running TV series NCIS
WWII: Battle of Midway (June 1942), USS Yorktown (CV-5, 'Fighting Lady'). Severely wounded during the battle. Later, he served on the submarines USS Bashaw and USS Sea Robin
WWII: 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, the 'Ghost Army'. The Ghost Army deceived enemies into thinking that there were unaccounted divisions out there
WWII - tail-gunner on the 'Necessary Evil', the nickname of the B-29 Superfortress that accompanied the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945
WWII: Pearl Harbor survivor, USS Helena. Served on the USS Helena from Pearl until the Battle of Kula Gulf (1943), when she was sunk by Japanese torpedoes, fighting, a.o., in the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, the Battle of Cape Esperance
WWII Veteran From Williamsville, New York.
Good Conduct Medal, a European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with 2 bronze service stars, a World War II Victory Medal, an Honorable Service Lapel and a Sharpshooter Badge with Rifle Bar
WWII: Living in the Polish town Zdrowa, Bik witnessed the first attack on the Westerplatte peninsula. He escaped 2 forced labor camps, and was sent to the Gross-Rosen and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps before his 1945 liberation
US WWII Army bomber pilot/OSS vet, born 1923.14 missions in Europe, then transferred to an OSS cover unit in Italy. Dropped OSS agents and spies in various areas, including flights turned down by the RAF as too risky. Still flying at 97
WWII - D-Day, 1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One), 16th Infantry Regimental Combat Team, Omaha Beach. Mr. Bistrica actually is pictured in one of the most iconic photographs of the war
Born 1925, Blackwell served in the U.S. Navy from 1943-1946 during WWII. He later became a maritime administrator in 1969. In 1971 Blackwell became Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs
Dennis Cutler Blair (born February 4, 1947) is the former United States Director of National Intelligence and is a retired United States Navy admiral who was the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific region
WWII. PTO. USS Franklin (CV-13). Subject of iconic photograph of a dying sailor who did not die, when Father Joseph O?Callahan performed last rites for Blanchard (March 19, 1945) on the fiery deck of the USS Franklin, but Robert survived
WWII: D-Day Invasion, Medic, 326th Medical Battalion, 101st Airborne Division; also in the Battle of the Bulge and Bastogne and witness to General McAuliffes' famous 'Nuts' quote; Operation Market Garden and served all the way to Berchtesgaden
Director and Head of Talent at Schmidt Futures. Served 5 years as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps. Serves on the board of Operation Gratitude. Co-author of Union: A Democrat, a Republican, & a Search for Common Ground
WWII: D-Day, landed on eastern half of Omaha Beach, 6:30 AM, June 6, 1944, with the 1st Infantry Division. Before Normandy, he fought in the Tunisian campaign in North Africa, and was a part of the invasion of Sicily, in 1943
WWII: 603rd Engineers Camouflage Division, The Ghost Army used inflatable rubber tanks, wooden guns, sound trucks, and dazzling performance art to bluff the enemy
WW2/D-Day Army among 1st to face cannon & machine-gun fire awaited on beaches of Normandy/Member amphibious 1st Engineer Special Brigade sent in to clear lanes through obstructions & lay wire-mesh roadbeds, allowing tanks & troops to beach
(born November 15, 1918 in Sassari, Sardinia) is an Italian sculptor, painter, and academic. Bocchetta was a member of the anti-fascist Italian resistance movement during World War II
WWII. ETO: He took part in the retreating fights in France in the summer of 1940, and then joined the RAF, 312 Squadron. 26 operational flights. Last surviving Czech WWII pilot
WWII - Pearl Harbor survivor; Army Air Corps, 804th Engineer Aviation Battalion, Bugle Master. Turned down an offer to spend the night of 6th to 7th Dec on the Arizona which most probably saved his life
WWII: PTO. 112th Calvary Regiment Of The Texas Army National Guard. Battle of Driniumor River (10 July ? 25 August 1944) of the Western New Guinea campaign. Battle of Leyte, Batttle of Luzon
Born 1919, Bokhary served in the British Indian Army for four years as a logistics expert, and came to Hong Kong with the army on the first British ship after the surrender of Japan ended the occupation of Hong Kong. He became a businessman
WW2 fighter ace- Served aboard the USS Randolph from 2/16/1945-5/14/1945 as a member of VMF-12 flying the F6F Hellcat. He is officially credited with 5 confirmed victories.
US WWII Army vet (1923-2022) Saw action in Normandy, the Rhineland, the Bulge, and at the Remagen Bridge. In his 90s, sketched scenes of his memories of WWII that he donated to charity auctions
WWII veteran, born 1921. 16th Squ.,16th Bomb Group. Bataan Death March survivor. Author of several books, incl. one on his Bataan experience. POW at Camp O'Donnell, Philippines, later moved to Manchuria; liberated by Russian Army Aug. 1945. Purple Heart
Centenarian (1900-2002). French immigrant, WWI French Naval vet and WWII French Infantry vet. 1918 Flu survivor who was almost given up for dead on a troop ship
US WWI veteran, born 1924. Served in Italy at Anzio, Rome, the Po Valley, and witnessed the abuse of Mussolini's body in the public square by Italian citizens
LTC, USAAF, 773 Bomb Sqdn, 463rd Bomb Group, 15th Air Force
B-17 Pilot, 30 missions over Italy as Sqdn. Leader.
Hickam Field, Hawaii - Pearl Harbor Survivor
Distinguished Flying Cross
Born 1924, Booker served in the British Royal Navy from 1940-1954 during WWII and peacetime. He later became a well-known Engineer and is known for his book A History Of Engineering Drawing published in 1963
WWI: Pearl Harbor survivor, 7 December 1941, USS Oklahoma. Hardly escaped the sinking ship and being strafed by Japanese pilots after jumping into the harbor. Pictured exactly 3 years later in a popular War Bond Drive photograph